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The Ionicks - IOT Hosting Services

Hosted MQTT, MongoDB and REST API Services for IoT

Hosted MQTT, MongoDB and REST API Services for IoT

Indian Customers - Please Choose Indian Rupees as your payment method

Level Description Price Non Indian Customers Indian Customers

20 Topics to Publish and Subscribe
Authentication with Username and Password
Protocols - MQTT, MQTTS. WS, WSS
Can be monitored by MQTTBox or MQTTLens
Support by e-mail, phone, or Ticket System

4.95 USD per Month
400 Rupees per Month
Pay in USD Pay in INR

60 Topics to Publish and Subscribe
Authentication with Username and Password
Protocols - MQTT, MQTTS. WS, WSS
Can be monitored by MQTTBox or MQTTLens
Support by e-mail, phone, or Ticket System

9.95 USD per Month
800 Rupees per Month
Pay in USD Pay in INR

60 Topics to Publish and Subscribe
Authentication with Username and Password
Protocols - MQTT, MQTTS. WS, WSS
Can be monitored by MQTTBox or MQTTLens

1GB Storage
Can be monitored by Robo 3T or MongoDB Compass
Data aggregation on customer’s request (one-time developer fee will be charged)
Support by e-mail, phone, or Ticket System

19.95 USD per Month
1600 Rupees per Month
Pay in USD Pay in INR

60 Topics to Publish and Subscribe
Authentication with Username and Password
Protocols - MQTT, MQTTS. WS, WSS
Can be monitored by MQTTBox or MQTTLens

1GB Storage
Can be monitored by Robo 3T or MongoDB Compass
Data aggregation on customer’s request (one-time developer fee will be charged)

API creation as per customer’s need (one time developer fee will be charged)
Support by e-mail, phone, or Ticket System

29.95 USD per Month
2400 Rupees per Month
Pay in USD Pay in INR