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The Ionicks - IOT Hosting Services

Hosted MQTT, MongoDB and REST API Services for IoT

Hosted MQTT, MongoDB and REST API Services for IoT

The Ionicks - IOT Hosting Services

Data Driven

Knowledge Centric


Data Driven Knowledge Centric Platform

ionicks cloud mqtt


MQTT is the perfect machine-to-machine (M2M) protocol. It is based on publish subscribe model, used to communicate device parameters to the servers. The main purpose of MQTT is allowing machines to talk to each other.
Ionicks cloud rest api


RESTful APIs provide IoT developers a good, standard architecture for reliably connecting applications and devices communicate over the Internet.
ionicks cloud aggregation


NoSQL Databases for the Internet of Things. IoT applications process great volumes of data from sensors so your system will need to scale quickly and inexpensively. IoT is possible now with the newer Big Data technology like MongoDB.
Ionicks cloud mongo db


Data aggregation refers to any process where raw data is gathered and expressed in a summary. For example, data is aggregated in databases in a structured manner so that it can be retrieved & analyzed.